Make Gold with Inscription

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Inscription is the newest of the professions and was added to the game in patch 3.02. Inscription lets scribes mill herbs for inks, and then use the inks to create scrolls, glyphs and vellums.

One way to make gold is by using Darkmoon Card of the North. This will create a random card from one of four decks: Nobles, Prisms, Undeath and Chaos. Darkmoon Card of the North is expensive to use and its effectiveness at making gold has always sparked a lot of conversation. The cards it creates sell anywhere from 40g to over a 1000g, with cards from the Nobles Deck being the most expensive. The cost of the materials to use Darkmoon Card of the North cost about 100 gold on my realm. Check out your auction house and see if doing this is worth the risk for you.

Another option is to make glyphs. All characters need a set of glyphs for each talent spec and therefore glyphs sell very well in the auction house. The price of glyphs have gone down a lot but some rare glyphs will still bring in a lot of gold. The usual price range for glyphs on my realm is about 20g- 120g.

Also you can create Armor Vellum III and Weapon Vellum III and sell those. These items are great for enchanters who want to make gold or save their enchants.

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