Get Exalted with the Kurenai

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Kurenai are a faction of broken draenei that reside in Outlands. They are an alliance only faction, and the corresponding horde faction are the Mag'har. The Kurenai Quartermaster is located in Telaar, and sells a variety of items, including the different talbuk mounts. You also have to be exalted with the Kurenai for the achievement The Diplomat

First, you will find a few of the kurenai at Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh. You start off unfriendly with them but after you finish the quests they give you in Orebor Harborage you should get about 4500 reputation.

Once you finish in Zangarmarsh move on to Telaar in Nagrand. There will be lots of quests to do, and they will give you about 10500 reputation. By now you should be getting close to revered.

Now for the fun part, grinding for Obsidian Warbeads. The warbeads can be turned in to Warden Moi'bff Jill in Telaar. They are turned in 10 at a time, and you get 500 reputation each time. You can get Obsidian Warbeads from various ogres across Nagrand. The best places to find ogres are the Burning Blade Ruins, Laughing Skull Ruins, Northwind and Southwind Clefts and Warmaul Hill. The good news is that each ogre you kill will also grant you an additional 10 reputation with the Kurenai. After a few hours of work you'll be exalted and riding your new talbuk mount, as well as one step closer to having the diplomat title.

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