Track Minerals and Herbs at the Same Time

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Macros are great for a lot of things, but this is one of my favorites. You can make lots of gold by choosing to become both  a miner and herbalist. Some people don't do that because they find it annoying to switch back and forth between tracking minerals and herbs. I'll show you two macros. One will switch automatically once activated, and the other you have to click the macro button each time you want to switch.

First type "/m" to open the macro window, then click on "new". Choose an icon and a name for your macro and click "okay". Then, paste this code into the macro window: 

/run if not THO then local f,t,c=CreateFrame("Frame","THO"),1,0 f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(_, e) c=c+e if c>3 then c=0 SetTracking(t) if t==1 then t=2 else t=1 end end end) THO:Hide() end
/run if THO:IsVisible() then THO:Hide() else THO:Show() end
Now just drag the macro icon to a free space on your actionbar. When you click on the macro it will begin to automatically switch between tracking minerals, and tracking herbs every three seconds. To stop the macro, simply click it again.

Here is the code for a different macro. For this one you will have to click it to manually switch the tracking mode.

/castsequence [nocombat] find herbs, find minerals

 That's all there is to it, now you can track minerals and herbs at the same time. Now go and make some gold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, thank you for this macro, but as I learned ''find fish''. macro only switches between ''find herbs'' and ''find fish''

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